Isa 3:10 Say ye to the righteous, that it shall be well with him: for they shall eat the fruit of their doings.
The Prophet is instructed by the Lord to admonish the righteous in his adversity or turmoil. It seems that his righteousness had not exempted him from contrary circumstances. His commitment to the faith did not excuse him from the hard knocks of life. It is surprising to note the Lord knew about it and yet did nothing to stop it. He rather asks the prophet to offer words of solace so they will not crumble under weight of turmoil. If the Lord knew and yet allowed it, then it is necessary for the validation of their faith. We must know this as believers so we do not get offended with God when we are launched into perplexing circumstances. Many believers are at the verge of compromising their righteous ethics because they wonder why God had not shielded them from the arrows of debt. Why did He not defend your cause when your integrity was questioned under strong persecutions? Where was God when your faith was blasphemed, they had you in derision, and predicted your doom? Such questions taunt believers and it has weakened their resolve for the faith. They are embittered and it has poisoned the purity of their worship. Some has grown weary and at the verge to compromise their righteous standard. It is therefore very important that God sends us a word that will radiate his light in the darkness of our gloom to illuminate our path so we do not stumble into sin. It is essential that we know that God has not neglected us to the doom of our contrary circumstance
No matter what you are going through, God guarantees the outcome of the circumstance. He utilizes His sovereign power to orchestrate the circumstances so the righteous will come up on top. He has predestinated events to guarantee the triumph of his people. He therefore asks his prophet to disclose such privileged secret to his people that it shall be well. He does not give them the strategy, any innovative principles to affect an instant change of their situation yet He guarantees the outcome. The complexity of their adversity does not nullify his guarantee; the extremity of their pain does not deter God’s conclusion. Whatever they are going through the Lord declares it shall be well – even when you are out of options, have been rejected, neglected or down and out. The guarantee is ensured not by any strategic implementation of an innovative principle, rather it is their righteousness that assures their outcome. They must not throw out their righteousness when they are pummeled in the ring of life. They will be taunted by naysayers to give up, pressured to succumb to the outcome of doom enticed to compromise their righteous lifestyle a bit to survive but they must stand their ground. Their righteousness will cause them to triumph over anything the enemy throws at them. Even when they are punched to the ground, down for the count they must remember that it is not over yet. God has concluded the outcome of the fight so they must rise up, dust themselves and keep on fighting with righteousness in their corner. IT SHALLBE WELL! Don’t give up, don’t retreat, don’t surrender for victory is ahead. The Lord wants you to know today that HE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH AND IT SHALL SURELY BE WELL WITH YOU.
ISAIAH 14:27 For the LORD of hosts hath purposed, and who shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and who shall turn it back?
Scripture to think about
“Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ”