Gen 25:29-34 And Jacob sod pottage: and Esau came from the field, and he was faint: 30 And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me, I pray thee, with that same red pottage; for I am faint: therefore was his name called Edom. 31 And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright. 32 And Esau said, Behold, I am at the point to die: and what profit shall this birthright do to me? 33 And Jacob said, Swear to me this day; and he sware unto him: and he sold his birthright unto Jacob. 34 Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles; and he did eat and drink, and rose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his birthright.
Esau was hungry and bribed by Jacob his brother to relinquish his birthright for a bowl of soup. He had developed such appetite for this soup that he could not resist the offer. Being hungry also made it difficult for him to refuse to satisfy his appetite. He succumbed to such Jacob’s seduction because He was ignorant of the worth of the birthright. He could not see how the birthright could feed him now. Esau was born into a family rich in divine history and miraculous testimony but wondered why it had not benefited him. The birthright had become a mere title yet with no real significance to him. The birthright was just a label that had not enhanced his life. He was a grandchild of Abraham with no miraculous favor, any divine encounter or benevolent lifestyle that could be attributed to his lineage. How could he be a progeny of Abraham and yet not experience the blessings of the covenant? All these caused him to demean the essence of his birthright. The birthright had not yet benefited him and so he does not see how it could enhance his life later so he had no qualms giving it up. It had not done anything for him thus at the slight opportunity to relinquish it for a bowl of soup he obliged. There was no notable benefit that could be attributed to him being a child of Isaac. Thus, he could not resist exchanging his birthright for a bowl of soup. To legitimate his actions, he exaggerated his condition to be the worst scenario so he placate his guilty conscience.
I am at the point of death and what will this birthright do for me.
Convincing himself that he was at the point of death and needed the soup to survive, he gave up his birthright to gratify his appetite. He valued his desires above the birthright. Esau was an inheritor of an incredible divine promise being the progeny of Abraham yet was ignorant of its worth. He had failed to appropriate it in his life so not been benefited by it. His ignorance of the worth of the birth right made him susceptible to the seduction of his brother Jacob.
How many believers feel that they belong to a divine heritage yet had not seen its benefit? They are the children of God but have not seen this privilege enhanced their lives. They have no miraculous testimonies that could attribute to their heritage in God. Therefore they hold their birthright in low esteem. They easily sell their birthright for their temporal comfort. When given the choice between moral integrity and canal gratification, many do not hesitate to choose what will nourish the flesh. How many will choose their ambition above God? Our daily actions show what we value the most. We make choices based on such level of value. Many believers make choices that sell out their birthright to the highest bidder that promises to satisfy their temporal comfort. They easily surrender their right to their fleshy appetites. Ignorant of the power of their godly heritage, we neglect it as we are taken hostage by the subtlety of the wicked one. It is time divine light is shed on our birthright to reveal the essence of its significance.
The Birthright is the key to your Inheritance
Our birthright is the key to unlock our godly heritage. It contains the authority to demonstrate the power of God. Our divine birthright makes it possible to access the treasures of God here on earth. It is the guarantee for your success, the shield of your protection against any demonic onslaught and the scepter of your divine authority. However, if we fail to use it, then we will not be benefited by it. If we fail to use it to invoke the benevolence of God to enhance our lives, we will ultimately devalue and discard it. It is then easily surrendered for a bowl of the devils pottage that offers instant gratification.
Many believers are ignorant of what they possess as children of the Most High God because they fail to exercise the authority of their birthright. How many have compromised their faith for the pottage of the enemy? What have you surrendered at the expense of your life in God? Many have convinced themselves that they cannot do without sin. We have Christians fornicating because they cannot do without their lustful needs. Many procrastinate the obedience to their divine call because it is not convenient. Until we grasp the revelation of the significance of our birthright, we will be easily susceptible to the bribery of the enemy. When we become aware of the eternal worth of our birthright, we will never sell out our faith today. Many believers have succumbed to the bribery of the enemy, yielded to his extortion without a fight and surrendered without resisting. They live the life of their religious labels but lack the corresponding power thereof; they do not see the benefit of their faith. Until we give up the pottage that gratifies our flesh, we deny ourselves of the authority of our birth in God. It is time we give up every pottage of the enemy, and ask the heavenly Father to restore the power of the birthright. Let us demonstrate the power of our birthright to invoke our heritage in God so we don’t fall victim to the seduction of the enemy.