In part one of this article, we talked about some points regarding the Victor’s crown of thorns that was fixed on Jesus’ head on his way to Calvary. We said that there are two types of crowns mentioned in the NT, στέφανος [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][stephanos] and διάδημα [diadēma]. Most discussions of these two words indicate that the stephanos is a victor’s crown, whereas the diadēma is a royal crown. “The stephanos was the usual crown of exaltation for victors of games, achievements in war, and places of honor at feasts whilst diadema refers to the crown / badge of royalty. We also established that after the roman soldiers flogged Jesus, it was the stephanos[victor’s] crown that was fixed on his head and not the diadem[royal] crown because not only was he a King but an all-conquering victorious King. Again we discovered from scripture that ‘thorns’ is the object of the curse of sin when God pronounced Judgment on mankind. So, it was all designed that the suffering servant (Isaiah 53) will carry on his head the object of the curse of sin- thorns.
Finally, we proved with scripture that none of the events took God by surprise. It was all planned and through the free will of man, got carried out. And when Jesus finally said, IT IS FINISHED, indeed, the curse of sin was broken!
One of the major deceptions in the church today, of course purported by the devil is to blind the body of Christ from the finished work of Christ on the cross.
When Jesus said IT IS FINISHED; you need to understand that indeed it was! The curse of sin was finally broken. The curse of sin? Absolutely! There’s not one single sin that Jesus didn’t deal with when he hanged on the cross. If one sin was left out, he would not have come out of the grave. In the same way, not only did he deal with sin on the cross but he dealt with the curse associated with it. Let’s look at how God did both;
2Cor 5:21
For he has made him, who knew no sin, to be sin for us; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Now, notice here he was not made unto us, a sinner but SIN itself. Why? It’s simple! If he had been made a sinner for us, he would have died a sinner and sin would not have been dealt with. He had to be made the problem itself. For instance, God laid on Jesus the sin of lie, because Jesus knew no sin / sinless in the first place. No sin was found in him so if he had become a liar, he would have died a liar and the sin of lie would have found someone else. So understand that the sin itself was laid on him so that he can nail them all to the cross. God had to take care of the sin problem and He did by making Jesus to be sin itself so that we might become the very righteousness of God himself. The amazing thing about the sacrifice of Jesus is that, not only did God deal with the problem of sin but also the curse associated with it. He became a curse also. Look at how Apostle Paul rehearses this;
Gal 3:13
Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree [emphasis mine]:
There you go! Not only was He (Christ) made sin for us but He was also made a curse for us. God didn’t leave any stone unturned so that the devil can have a legal right over us again. Whichever way the devil turned, led him to a cul de sac – A complete roundabout – No way out! It was a total plan of redemption. He (Christ) had become both sin and curse for us and by virtue of our new position in Christ, we are righteous (in right standing with God) and free from any curse.
After his resurrection, Authority and Dominion had reverted back to man for the first time in 4000 yrs through Christ. The curse that God placed on the ground for man’s sake was broken. Man from then didn’t have to sweat, worry and be burdened with making ends meet. An exchange had just taken place; our sin for his righteousness and our curse of sin for his rest, freedom and abundance.
John 10:10
The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly [emphasis mine].
Man had entered into the 7th day of rest in God because of Christ’s finished work on the cross. It was time for man to flourish and fellowship back with God again like it was in the beginning. No more will thorns and thistles make us sweat and toil – It was not that physical thorn will not grow again but that whatever we would need it’s already done in Christ Jesus.
Gen 3:17-19
Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread”.
The thorns will not be in our way anymore. What this means is that if at the fall of man thorns and thistles will grow to frustrate and make man sweat to make it in life, at the cross of Jesus where he became the curse, things have reverted back to the days of Eden where all man did was guard and keep what God had already provided. Again this means we need to renew our minds about the finished work of Christ. God in Christ has given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3). We don’t have to struggle ever again; we don’t have to work our fingers to the bone any more. God has already provided whatever we would need through Christ; all we have to do is care for it and maintain it.
Gen 2:15
“And the LORD God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it”
The work Adam attended to did not involve bending his back to make it. So if on this side of the cross, you are sweating, toiling, frustrated and depressed about your life, you are probably still living under the curse of sin. You need to renew your mind and start operating in the life of Christ through which we have whatever we would ever need. Your job on this side of the cross is to take care of what God has given you through Christ. The dominion and authority we lost to Satan through Adam has been given back to us through Christ, and the thorns and thistles that were supposed to be in our way to make us grind away and labor before we get the best in life, has been taken away – So what are you waiting for? You need to reconfigure your system (mind) to revert back to the original you are meant to be. The manufacturer just fixed us back to the state we ought to be, in order to receive God’s best. Hello? Wake up!!!
People have often come to me and asked, ” how come you live a life full of joy and seem to enjoy yourself with peace of heart and confident about yourself and your future?” And all I tell them is:: ” I have found the hope of my calling in Christ Jesus, and all I do is dress and keep it and every blessing associated with the assignment flows to me.”
Ephesians 1:18
“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints”
No struggle, no more putting our nose to the grindstone, no more TGIF (thank God it’s Friday because we don’t like what we do). So let me ask you today; what is the hope of your calling my friend? What do you know is the assignment of God for you? What on earth is the personal promise of God concerning your life? Do you know it? If you do, begin to pursue and walk in it for it’s the sure way to avoid, struggle, dragging yourself to work every morning, the depression and frustrations of trying to make it in life.
You know, the reason why you are struggling so much in life is because you are out of place. Whilst he’s providing rest, you are trying to work your way out. Whilst he’s providing a place of Eden for you to rest and cease from your works, you are busy trying to work hard in thorns and thistles to sweeten your life. The devil probably has you exactly where he wants you that is why you get depressed, out of touch, anxious and defeated. Get back to your Eden my friend, God has resources there waiting for you to take charge of them. God’s resources will only flow to purpose. If you are living outside the place God has planted and prepared for you, it sure may account for your present state. Better still, if you cannot be found in the Eden, you probably are looking for survival in the thorns and thistles. What a waste of life! Let’s rehearse how Moses scribed this back in Genesis:
Gen 2:8
“And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed”
In the Eden, thorns and thistle do not grow. It’s the devil who brings them our way but guess what? we are not ignorant of the schemes of the enemy (2Cor 2:11). All you do is; gather them and burnt it! What this means is, if you are walking in purpose and at any point you see you are straining, getting burned out, depressed, frustrated and anxious; submit yourself to God, resist the devil and he will flee (James 4:7)
You must learn to rest in the personal and general purposes of God for your life. Rest must be easy and should never involve labor but Paul understood how difficult it will be for believers to simply lay back and put faith in the finished work of Christ. So he admonished;
Heb 4:11
“Let us labor therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief”
My friend, it is my prayer today that you will do whatever you can to enter into the rest of God. Ask him today, father, what is the work you have given me through Christ, to tend or take care of and maintain so that I don’t sweat anymore? For some, it may be to be an entrepreneur / business owner, for others; actor, pastor, teacher, athlete, yet still for others may be a philanthropist, the next Albert Einstein, or inventor, fashionista, designer and what have you? One thing is for sure, you can’t live well outside your design and what God has called you to be and Adam is proof of that. Make a decision today to get back in line by finding what the hope of your calling is and everyday will be your best day.
The curse of sin has been broken so you can now live the fullness of life through Christ Jesus! Thank God for the Victor’s crown.
In part three of this series, I will show you the other significance of the crown of thorns that was fixed on Jesus’ head and the kind of victory we have in HIM.
- Pointer #1 A crown of thorns was placed on Jesus’ head.
- Pointer #2 It is the “stephanos” crown which is a victor’s crown
- Pointer #3 Thorn is the object of the curse of sin (placed in the path of man to make him suffer, toil and sweat in order to make ends meet
- Pointer #4 Jesus took that to the cross with him and was nailed there
- Pointer #5 Jesus became both sin and curse for us so that we might obtain God’s righteousness and the liberty to flourish
- Pointer #5 The curse of sin is broken so you that you don’t have to sweat anymore to make ends meet.
- Pointer #6 Find the hope of your calling today by asking God and live your best life yet
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism,
Hans-Peter Nkansah[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]