Unreasonable Worship

Rom 12:1 offer yourselves as living sacrifice that is your reasonable service. Paul has meticulously articulated the doctrines of the Christian faith and here urges the Church of its duty. The wisdom he had taught was transcendental, its principles phenomenal, and the blessings it promises outstanding yet it will do them no good if they…

Zeal without knowledge

“Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the high priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.” – John 18:10 Jesus was betrayed by one of his own to the religious leaders. He was seized without due process of the law. They came in the cover of…

I know not a Man

They lack the human concepts, strategies or potential to conceive the divine promise. There are many of such who have been called into ministry and yet have no theological training. They lack the eloquence or oratory skills needed for good communication of the gospel.