Have you wondered why your Christian life is deplete of supernatural experiences even though you rigorously exercise your beliefs? It is frustrating to be theologically correct and yet be void of tangible divine experiences. We have religious expertise and we excel in our pious drama yet with no power. This is an anomaly that our exercise of our faith.
I remember once I prayed for a cancer patient with such sanctimonous rhetoric which was scripturally based, dramatized with a holy fervor and yet was so embarrassed with no healing. I wondered why the patient was not healed. The prayer was scriptural and the dramatics exceptional and could have won a Hollywood award yet surprisingly it left the patient fluttered with no improvement. My confidence deflated, I managed to excuse myself with some words of encouragement to pacify him for my lack of result. I wondered why my faith had failed me. Why did I not get the result I desperately needed?
Many believers are disparaged with this anomaly that dampens their zeal for the supernatural. What is the use of our Christian life if it does not help us transcend our challenges, overcome our human limitations to a lifestyle of the miraculous befitting sons of the Most High God? Are you not tired praying for hours yet with dismal results? Don’t you ever question why your exorbitant sacrifices have not accrued any spiritual dividend you can cash in for use in your life now? This troubled me until I came across this scripture that states:
‘…faith which worketh by love.’ (Gal 5:6b)
Without faith any religious piety is just mere dramatics but does not produce any divine results. Instead of investing in the time to really understand faith, we engage our religious activities with such fervency without it. What is the use of our strenuous exhibition of drama that makes us look good yet produce no results? If faith is the key to our spiritual results, then it definitely must be the topic that every believer must master. Surprisingly, we have heard so much sermons on faith yet we remain powerless and unfruitful. We have been told faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, yet many believers are plagued with doubts that gnaws at their resolve for the supernatural. Without true faith, our church services becomes church programs infested with political maneuvering fueled by religious drama. We are addicted to our monotonous religious routines, predictable programs, languishing in our denominational traditions. Where is the capacity for innovations, the creativity of the supernatural, the tracendent wisdom that solves human pribkems that the Bible promises? Why can’t we demonstrate our supernatural faith?
It is very surprising to note that you can be full of religious information yet not have faith. To be scriptural sound does make you an expert on faith.
Ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2Tim 3:7).
We have binged on doctrine but not seeing any energetic movement to the supernatural. We are so hyped with our sugary laced sermons that produces instant rapturous rush of religious fervor but is ineffective when confronted with real life challenges. We need Christianity that works. We need faith the activates the supernatural power of God.
I am tired of the church’s circuit display that arms us with religious promises that produces no results. Without real faith, our prayer will not work, and church is just an organization that cannot nourish our life in Christ.
What then is faith if it is not just information? Faith is not drama or piety. Faith is a Spirit therefore He is a person.
2Co 4:13 KJV We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;
Faith is a Spirit with personality. Therefore, faith is obtained by relationship than information. You need to have the presence of the Holy Spirit to have true faith rather than arm yourself with information dramatized with piety. There are many believers puffed up with information but do not develop intimacy with the Lord. We exaggerate our drama with no real intimate relationship with the Lord. When the presence of God is with you, you will get supernatural results. So strive to pursue Him. Find the time to develop quality intimate relationship with Him. Let your relationship with Him be more than your church activities. However, having Him on your side, you must unleash the power of your faith through love. Faith works by love. The evidence of His presence of faith is not the theological soundness but the love you express. It is not even the power you demonstrate but how you treat people with love. If you can demonstrate the compassion of the Lord, you will automatically walk in the reality of His promises. If you can genuinely love people, you will access the power of God to help them. Your faith works by love. Love with the love of God and your faith will not fail. It is time our faith translate us into the power of the supernatural as express the uncoditional love of God to a ailing humanity. Let faith work, and love will guarantee the results.