How to Reach your Life’s Expectations

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How to thrive in the face of challenges

Challenges, hardships, sufferings and discomforts are inevitable in life. These, when handled accurately, could be windows of opportunities or become stumbling blocks that hinder our progress on the pathway of life. For many, these ill experiences are insurmountable hurdles that impede growth. They are obstacles that hinder us from remaining steadfast in achieving our dreams. Apostle…

Winning Life’s Battles

There are many battles that confronts us everyday in our life.We encounter  contentions and oppositions in our ministries, finances, marriage and above all our relationships that breaks us down so much that our life comes to a stand-still. The devil steals, kills and destroys us through so many devices that no matter how much we persevere…

The Greatest Secret To A Stress-Free Life

Mankind from the onset of creation has always gone  through and is always encountering several  travailing, hardships, sufferings,pain,anguish just to mention but few to make it in life.Is that supposed to be the spate of man?Must man always stress himself to enjoy the blessing, inheritance,rewards and promises that God has established and created him  to dominate? There…